Sue Bampton 17 June 2013 Sue Bampton 17 June 2013 “Guess who was CEO of the Searle Corp. when the FDA approved Aspartame in 1981 despite objections from the scientific community ….Donald Rumsfeld” — Chiropractorfin
Sue Bampton 17 June 2013 Sue Bampton 17 June 2013 “When yesterday’s ‘triumph of modern chemistry’ turns out to be today’s deadly threat to the global environment, it is legitimate to ask what else we don’t know.” — Denis Hayes
Sue Bampton 13 June 2013 Sue Bampton 13 June 2013 jointwithgod: You And I…. We Were Born To Die on -
Sue Bampton 11 June 2013 Sue Bampton 11 June 2013 yourimaginationisyourfreedom: Untitled | via Tumblr on We Heart It - Hearted from:
Sue Bampton 11 June 2013 Sue Bampton 11 June 2013 “Stop consuming images and start producing them.” — Terrance McKenna (via barelytherearchitect)
Sue Bampton 11 June 2013 Sue Bampton 11 June 2013 “I drink to make other people more interesting.” — Ernest Hemingway (via myguidinglights)
Sue Bampton 11 June 2013 Sue Bampton 11 June 2013 suedetaxi: “The first draft of anything is shit.” ― Ernest Hemingway
Sue Bampton 11 June 2013 Sue Bampton 11 June 2013 “Try to learn to breathe deeply, really to taste food when you eat, and when you sleep, really to sleep. Try as much as possible to be wholly alive with all your might, and when you laugh, laugh like hell. And when you get angry, get good and angry. Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.” — Ernest Hemingway (via unculturedmag)
Sue Bampton 11 June 2013 Sue Bampton 11 June 2013 “If all the insects were to disappear from the earth, within 50 years all life on Earth would end. If all human beings disappeared from the earth, within 50 years all forms of life would flourish.” — Jonas Salk (via we-are-star-stuff)